Entries from 2023-04-12 to 1 day

学歴詐称John Wycliffe

学歴詐称ジョン・ウィクリフ(John Wycliffe, 1324年 - 1384年12月31日)は、イングランドの神学者。カトリック教会の腐敗を批判し、神の前での平等を説いたことから宗教改革の先駆者とされる人物である。

Protestant Union The Protestant Union (German: Protestantische Union), also known as the Evangelical Union, Union of Auhausen, German Union or the Protestant Action Party, was a coalition of Protestant German states. It was formed on 14 May 1608 by Freder

Protestant Union The Protestant Union (German: Protestantische Union), also known as the Evangelical Union, Union of Auhausen, German Union or the Protestant Action Party, was a coalition of Protestant German states. It was formed on 14 Ma…


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